Welcome to Your Workplace

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Intermountain Healthcare

Welcome to Workplace Wellness

In partnership with Intermountain Healthcare, we've developed tips and resources to utilizing your ergonomic workstation to its fullest and deliver the joy of comfort at work.

Find Your Fit

Mirra 2 Chair Adjustment

Watch this simple how-to, and learn how to bring your chair up-to-speed for your style of work.

Herman Miller Sit-to-Stand Adjustment Switch
Find Your Fit

Sit to Stand with Ease

With an intuitive up-down switch, balancing your workday has never been easier. Learn how to adjust—and set—the height of your workstation to your needs and preference.

Download Instructions
Sit-to-Stand Ergonomics

Posture Tips

1. Head balanced directly over your spine.

2. Eyes straight-ahead, aligned with top third of your monitor.

3. Spine neutral, with shoulders relaxed.

4. Arms at monitor's length away, with elbows tucked near the body at a 90º angle.

5. Legs with a three-finger gap between the seat and back of your knees, thighs parallel with the floor, and feet flat on the floor.

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We're Here to Help

For questions and tips on how to use your workstation, or to request service and repair, contact our team today.

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